- swadeshibabu.com aims to provide the range of products across all categories.
- swadeshibabu.com believes that the best shopping experience is not fully delivered until the products / services sold are competitively priced. Hence, swadeshibabu.com encourages merchants / sellers to offer products at the most competitive price.
- swadeshibabu.com does not permit it’s merchants / sellers to sell duplicate, corresponding, equivalent, or similar channel items. All merchants / sellers listed are required to enter into an agreement and sell only real / actual / original products. All merchants / sellers are bound to sell only real / actual / original / true products to customers / buyer.
- swadeshibabu.com ensures that our shipping partners will deliver your products on time & in good / best quality packaging with you being informed at every stage of purchased order through proper communication (phone/message/e-mail).
- swadeshibabu.com is 100% protected e-commerce website. We want our vendors as well as our customers to have experience of trust and comfort for online shopping and trust is the foremost important thing for each transaction. Also,swadeshibabu.com ensures brand of trust to consumers / buyers which are based on Product Guarantee, Payment Security, Reliable Merchants / Sellers and Replacement / Return.
- swadeshibabu.com believes that customer satisfaction is the most important key and therefore swadeshibabu.com always stand for every customer’s rights.
- Brand of Trust is woven into every one of our team, and if you ever need more information or have any queries free to contact swadeshibabu.com/contact us.